how | Teen Ink


July 4, 2018
By QuasiaFlagg BRONZE, Rochester, New York
QuasiaFlagg BRONZE, Rochester, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To know her is to love her
If you don’t know her how could you ever say you love her
Kissing her so gently hiding all your fucked up intentions and thoughts of what Love is really like with her
The thoughts in the back of your head are saying get between those legs but you could never even get through her head
You’ve mistaken her to be weak
Jokes on you
She recognizes you from her past
You’re just another user
You’re just another abuser
Just doing what you do best trying to wrap her through your arms like the way you tried to wrap up your broken ass heart
You will learn to love her
You will never get a chance to hug her
Because she isn’t those Girls
She isn’t weak
She’s much more than you would ever think
This isn’t open season
She can see right through all of your weaknesses
Tunnel vision at its best
Once you understand her you’ll know she’s nothing like the rest

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