More is not enough | Teen Ink

More is not enough

June 21, 2018
By ronrez BRONZE, North Bellmore, New York
ronrez BRONZE, North Bellmore, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I'm gazing out my window,

On a warm afternoon in May.

The sun is shining brightly,

But in my mind, the sky is grey


I stare fixedly at the songbirds,

Singing their worries away.

I simply cannot derive any joy,

On such an enchanting day.


It seems that I have nothing—

I'm a million dollars in debt

I never knew what I wanted,

And what I wanted I couldn't get.


Suddenly I want everything,

To have full control of my life.

I'm too tired to jump over hurdles.       

I'm too tired to deal with strife.


Why am I always ensnared

By the demonic wrath of woe?        

The gap between the wealthy and poor

Will only continue to grow.


I wish I could own the world one day,

And see what it truly means

To finally be significant,

Like all the kings and queens.   


You all may call me greedy,

And it may be easy to tease,

But greed is not a feeling,

It’s a chronic mental disease.


There’s always a bloody civil war             

Between the two sides of the brain.

One comes prepared with soldiers,

While the other would like to abstain.


The soldiers want the opponent         

To be forced into a helpless state

In which no choice is considered

And agreement is the only fate.


‘I wish I could own the world one day’

Is a wish that can't come true.

The world just simply cannot be sold

To a man who’s split in two.

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This article has 1 comment.

ronrez BRONZE said...
on Jul. 9 2018 at 11:08 am
ronrez BRONZE, North Bellmore, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
What a great insight for a young teen!