May 14, 2017
By Sam_yukta GOLD, New Delhi, Other
Sam_yukta GOLD, New Delhi, Other
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you deceive yourself

One too many times,
Did you overstep your own limits
And turn a blind eye?
Did you think you could build
The fortress of your dreams
On a foundation as hollow
As your life now seems?
Did you really hope to avoid
The certain pitfalls
Of giving in to your desires
Did you think you knew it all?
Did you let the winds of whim
Tear the roots of your values asunder,
Did you think the ripened fruit
Would be sweet when made from blunder?
Did you believe you could walk through fire
And not be seared by its taunting flame?
Did it not remind you of your once-bright spark
Now smothered by your crafty game?
Did you get so caught up in wile and guile,
Escaping into the tunnels you built,
That you forgot it was all futile
When the end destination is your own guilt.
But now when the anchor of time
And the compass of your soul
Bring you to a standstill:

stop, change and decide
To lead your ship of life towards its rightful goal.

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