A Ballad for My One True Love | Teen Ink

A Ballad for My One True Love

December 14, 2015
By madelynadele27 SILVER, Hemet, California
madelynadele27 SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are mysterious
Captivating and enthralling,
A new surprise awaiting behind every corner
You never cease to amaze me
The unexpected is always expected;
Yet you are predictable:
Always the same original one I can depend on,
You will never change
You are my constant companion
With me wherever I go
You have a way with words
You hold the power to control my emotions:
In one simple sentence you can
Make me laugh
Make me smile
Make me cry, or
Make the world seem new again
You are dependable
When I feel alone you are always there
To rescue me from my sorrows
When I’m feeling so low
So deep
So lonely
So small
You protect me from the rest of the world
When I can feel it’s harsh words beating down on me
That I’m not good enough
But then there is you
You, who takes me away
Gives me a safe haven
Who builds my confidence to deal with the bitterness of the world
You instead show me that there is good in the world
You show me that I can be the good in the world
And how I can share the goodness of the world
You teach me of love
And that good triumphs over evil
The words you say are rarely the whole truth
You drag me around a roller coaster of woven stories that you tell
But does that matter?
It would if you were human
So who is my one true love?

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