Store Bought Hope | Teen Ink

Store Bought Hope

February 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Side to side I see the same.
Days seem to never change.
Patiently waiting to have him at my side.
I know he is the one I’m destined to guide.


Then one day he arrived.
With his red shirt and brown eyes.
The connection was clearly undeniable.
He knew I would be a good friend – reliable.


At first he was at the sight of me.
We both felt as if we were finally set free.
Then as he got older a strange darkness overtook him.
He sat there for long hours alone in grim.


I was shoved into a cramped corner of his closet – lost and forgotten.
Stuck between a broken broomstick and a torn sweater of cotton.
A cacophony of screams would echo through the house.
This seemingly eternal unhappiness needed to be doused.


Side to side I see the same.
Days seem to never change.
Patiently waiting to have him at my side.
I know he is the one I’m destined to guide.


Angry and frustrated he slammed the door shut.
Grabbed out his duffle bag and started packing with a knot in his gut.
Deep down he knew what he was doing was wrong.
However on the outside he had to remain strong.


His new friends told him his parents were a burden and school was a waste.

He was packing haphazardly with a great haste. 
Then he suddenly he caught my reflection in the corner of his eye.
He dropped to his knees, frozen with shame and began to cry.


It was his mother who bought him happiness in the form of a small brown bear.
Who is now staring at him with undeniable care.
He picked me up and caressed my soft brown fur.
Then he told his mother that she is the one he prefers.


Side to side I see the same.
Days seem to never change.
Like a guardian angle I sit atop his shelf.
Reminding him to never loose himself.


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