Leaving You Is A Must | Teen Ink

Leaving You Is A Must

April 4, 2012
By Shekeah BRONZE, Las Piñas, Other
Shekeah BRONZE, Las Piñas, Other
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life doesn't have to end when Love does...

Love you and they would hate me,
Hate you then I would be free
From the words that hurt my heart,
So I must forget you, one beautiful art.

You have a thousands of memories
In my life that nobody sees,
Because only you and me
Who know what we want to be.

But two persons who gave me birth
Will never join the dance in mirth,
If I am to wed you, my man,
They won't treat you as their son.

Choosing you makes me cry,
Forsaking them is like to die,
All I have to do is to say goodbye,
For it hurts me facing you with lie.

For you not to be in a constant pain,
You should put in mind I'm in vain,
An endless love should be passed,
Because leaving you is a must.

The author's comments:
Your man or your family? I was in that situation. It was so hard to choose. I never wanted to hurt any one of them, but I had to make the final decision. I have chosen MY FAMILY. My parents know what is best for me. And they maybe have seen or noticed there was something wrong with him. I knew that when we love, we never care who they really are. It seems like we're too blind and deaf to observe the true color of the person we love. And to leave him is no easy, but leaving him is a must, for the sake of family relationship.

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