Not Meant To Be | Teen Ink

Not Meant To Be

April 4, 2012
By Shekeah BRONZE, Las Piñas, Other
Shekeah BRONZE, Las Piñas, Other
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life doesn't have to end when Love does...

Story of yesteryear makes me cry,
It pushes me to lie,
But still I can't deny,
Without you, I am to die.

My life was so bright,
Even under the darkest night,
Because you were in my sight,
Oh, boy, you were my light!

I miss you every night and day,
But I can't make a way,
To win you back and say
How much I love you but to pray.

Everything for us is too late,
Even the sky cannot debate,
I'm your lover but not a mate,
But still you're a man I can never hate.

The author's comments:
This poem was made when I was so sad. It was August 30, 2011. I really had bad time forgetting this man who broke my heart. He left me and I could say that he loved another woman. We're not really meant to be. And I want readers to learn that we don't have to hate everyone who used to hurt us. Because I still believe that everything happens for a purpose.

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