The Sao Tome Shrew | Teen Ink

The Sao Tome Shrew

February 11, 2012
By jakedef BRONZE, Venice, California
jakedef BRONZE, Venice, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sao Tome Shrew waits
For when the world can begin anew
The Sao Tome Shrew waits
For change that not it can do nor make
The Sao Tome Shrew are numbered at very few
And long past anyone’s care or view
Isolated and abdicated from it’s home
The Sao Tome Shrew must undergo sacrifice
In order to get back it’s homely paradise
Taken by humans with no intended malice
Yet all the same, the Sao Tome Shrew has lost its palace

Far ago, back far in the past
The Sao Tome Shrew thought itself destined to ever-last
Now cornered, and forced to fast
The Sao Tome Shrew grows hungry and weary
The Sao Tome Shrew is only noticed by Charon and his ferry
The Sao Tome Shrew weeps and roams
Glumly knowing full well it may never find its home
The Sao Tome Shrew goes on though
Hoping it merely has hit a low
Trudging through snow and bearing down hunger
The Sao Tome Shrew cannot afford any blunder

Perhaps by fate or irate luck
In having trudged through all the muck
The Sao Tome Shrew has been lead
To the place he has fallen down dead
The Sao Tome Shrew has seen a world anew
Where there is no shortage of Leaven
A happy place justly called Heaven
Not satisfied by the masterful mead
and barely recognized for his noble deed
The Sao Tome Shrew finds he has a need
Stooping before Zeus, he began to plead
He wanted his old life back

And with it the accompanying strife
He wanted to enjoy the slim chance of returning to family life
Zeus allowed him to rise from the dead
The Sao Tome Shrew intent of finding his lost kindred
His body now not weak and his weary bones hard as teak
His form made not meek
He strode out to return to his loved place
He set out at a strong pace
Running home on his feet with a newfound grace
He knew the direction in which his home may lay
And set out in the direction that-a-way

He returned home to a Shrew family and Shrew friends
He made it his goal to dwell back in his hole home
He stood at his door
Awaiting to be greeted by his family of four
He heard a moan and a groan
Slowly the door opened and stood there his shrew children
They all shouted Daddy and pulled him into the Den
Where time slowed and his face glowed
Stood before him, was his wife
Having thought him dead, she happily wept

All together, the family soundly slept
The Sao Tome Shrew had made his own heaven.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about the Sao Tome Shrew, a diminutive creature that is on the list of the top ten endangered species, ranked currently at No. 7. I wanted to raise awareness for the Sao Tome shrew.

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