The Night Before Goodbye | Teen Ink

The Night Before Goodbye

January 17, 2012
By Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
People see what they want to see and disraguard the rest.
~Paul Simon

‘Twas the night before goodbye, and all through my head
Every thought was in a flurry, all I could think of was dread
My sheets were all wrapped around me with care
Knowing that tomorrow would soon bring despair

My thoughts would not hush, they kept teeming and reeling
Like a movie on rewind, reenacting every feeling
I hugged my stuffed animal as I let out a sigh
Wondering why they put the prefix good in front of bye

Tossing and turning, I looked at the clock
Wishing the tears could rip through this mental block
Memories appeared, dreams began to shatter
And I lost all sight of what really mattered

I got up and decided to paint my nails
Since trying to fall asleep had obviously failed
I might as well have a nice manicure when I wave farewell
Seeing as I had to pick myself up when I fell

Looking out the window, I gazed at the stars
Begged them to keep me close to where you are
But I knew that wouldn’t happen, that would never be true
Because the stars had started falling… for you

Rehearsing the very last time in my head
I stopped and began to tell myself, “No,” instead
“No expectations means no crushed wishes,
No hurt, no pain, no unstolen kisses.”

And as I crawled back into bed that night
I was rocked to sleep by the beams of the moonlight
After all, there was nothing left that I could do
Except, with a smile, wave goodbye to you

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