Stag-Nation | Teen Ink


November 30, 2011
By itryinpe BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
itryinpe BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Satisfaction with “could have been”
Where’s the motivation?
Never demanding to earn the win
Escaping success’s temptation.

Why is last place good enough
When you could’ve had the glory.
I’m taking a stand against your bluff
Stop willing to be a sob story.

When will you have a great desire
To work hard and be the best?
It’s not your time yet to retire
Effort is not the only test.

Get rid of all the voices
That say you lack the talent
Determination gives you choices
And the potential to be gallant.

To myself and all the youth,
Whom this advice is for,
It’s finally time to face the truth:
What matters in life is the score.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because I see that our nation is becoming complacent with effort, even if that effort doesn't produce results. I feel as though people aren't pushing themselves hard enough to accomplish what they want. They give up their dreams because they accept failure.

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