Goodbye | Teen Ink


October 10, 2011
By Anonymous

guess Somethings are better left in the past,somethings are never meant to last.
We Grow from the painful stitches on our hearts,this is never and easy part.
We strive from the painful goodbyees,the memories that's make us break,that make us weak.
A tear I cry,I look at you as you walk by with a quiet painful sigh.
You've moved on,replaced me at your side.
I haven't moved on I'm still like my loyal dog,stick by you even when your gone.
My best friend whose now gone.
I've never let many past my unbreakable walla,these few i let past these gates end up shredding my heart breaking it then their gone.
I was there for you when you were there down,I was the only one who forever cared.
You say were different drifting apart but when i look deep down I don't see it not even deep in my now broken Heart.
My Best friend whose now gone.
You know my secrets the darkest parts,I know you better than your replacmeant for me could even dream to know.
Telepathic,blood sisters who were forever together,we've been set free never meant to be together.
But when you start to cry when your friendship starts to die,Don't try to come back to me,I've suffered a pain that makes my now empty heart bleed.
The Wind Whirls around me taking my pain as it sets me free,as the nights moon taking a hold and consuls me.
You Lied to me you said you believed in my Goddess My moon when you only believed In my god Of the Light,you are a liar that abandoned me when i picked you up off the ground from the one before me.
You are simple as you leave,but I will never again show the pain that has been caused.
Goodbye I let you get close and now I feel the hurt,
The Best friend who said goodbye!

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