Do They Even Exist? | Teen Ink

Do They Even Exist?

September 24, 2011
By Jessika13 GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
Jessika13 GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Cowboy up." --Daddy

True friends are people you can always run to
When you feel you've been defeated
By this crazy world we all live in
For we all have moments when we feel mistreated

They're the first ones to pick you up,
Dust you off, and tend to your wounds
Then walk to their car
And come back with "You're Special To Me" balloons

A knock on the door
What's that?
True friends just walk in
And go where they know the food's at

A phone call from you at 3 in the morning
Isn't a problem at all
They'd see you're name on the screen
And wouldn't hesitate to answer your call

You'd always smile
When they're around
And if you're having a bad day
They'll pick you up when you're feeling down

The love they offer is unconditional
And a bad thing about you would never be said
Because they know how lucky they are
Just to call you their friend

All they'll bring you is joy and happiness
They won't cause you pain nor sorrow
But, since we're talking about it:
Anyone got an extra one I could borrow?

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