Weak Apart | Teen Ink

Weak Apart

September 25, 2011
By drumer1 BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
drumer1 BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Bossing my way through the PSAT and afterwards they were all "youve been in an earthquake, go tell people" -Josh Joseph

Two factions of a group
In an uneasy alliance together
One side likes their leader
The other will like him never

We think he is the best
Says the first fighting group
Every test, we can pass
So long as he doesn’t stoop

He’s abolished our old ways
Claims still another group
Our power has gone down
I swear we should have a coup

And so they fought themselves
And thus the old alliance dies
Amidst the clashing clawing chaos
An enemy came and took their prize

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