The Power of the World | Teen Ink

The Power of the World

September 25, 2011
By Anonymous

through the dark,
in the bleak,
i see the shadows of life,
the words i want to speak,
the beauty i want to see.

i’m the sunrise bursting through the rainy night,
i’m the breaking dawn of the twilight,
i’m the mother chasing monster shadows away,
i’m the long winter ending and spring here to stay.

light falls softly,
enveloping me in safety
and forces the hurt all away
for the first time today.

i’m the flower buds ready to bloom,
i’m the sun breaking through the gloom,
i’m the fairy tale knight with dragons slain,
i’m the comfort killing the pain.

i’m opening, i’m living, i’m learning, i’m loving;
ripping open my heart
and changing still and never done,
only the beginning but
this is where i start.

the strength to discover
this girl on her mission;
the power of the world
the force that
thrives in me-

i’m a bird learning to fly,
i’m a child wondering why,
ai’m a newborn baby taking its first breath,
i’m the ashes rising from death.

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