Little Sister | Teen Ink

Little Sister

September 7, 2011
By hezza GOLD, Sabattus, Maine
hezza GOLD, Sabattus, Maine
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Of everything I see,

these four walls and ink,

I envision a future bride-to-be.

He'll say "you're really amazing,"

He'll mean the world to you, even

through the playful teasing.

He'll treat you as a person,

and care exactly when you need it.

An affection no element can worsen

will be yours with time. You'll grow

taller and mature. You'll love him to

bits, and he back, and always let it show.

He won't want to leave your side,

nor you his. Someone like you, and

him, the other won't ever find.

You'll both fall for everything each

other is. You'll push through the bad

until you both actually meet.

He could be a stranger. Or

maybe you walked by him today…

There's no way to know for sure…

Until it happens. Maybe soon,

maybe a decade from now.

He'll be yours forever, and ever.

Until then, never give up. Never.

The author's comments:
My little sister and I are frenemies.

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This article has 1 comment.

crazycatlady said...
on Sep. 12 2011 at 10:17 am
I have an older sis and i can totally see her sayin this. I even wrote it down for her im gonna read it to her 2day. This is phenomanal