Death Row | Teen Ink

Death Row

August 13, 2011
By sparkyshot BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
sparkyshot BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was led to a dungeon
Cold as winter and dark as night
Dirty men fled from their bars
With expressions of pure fright

I was shoved in the last cell
There a man lay, older than I
Color long gone from his skin
Sleeping, waiting to die

Some men whimpered, others cried
For all had a similar fate
All of us sentenced to death
Nothing to do but sit and wait

The dungeons door burst open
Some men screamed, others cower
The guards clanked forward in armor
They grabbed for me with great power

I screeched and clawed with eyes of craze
This was the end of my days

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