Raining Rice | Teen Ink

Raining Rice

April 24, 2011
By Anonymous

I knew nothing of the world around me.
I was a stranger in my homeland.
Now I’m coming to U.S. by all degree,
A new place, a new world, all so grand.

My father and I have come from Vietnam,
Where our lives have been running away from bombs,
We and others had escaped on boat,
Cramped, tired, but full of hope.

For eighteen days and nineteen nights,
We just go and go and go,
We were lucky - a ship in sight!
We just row and row and row

Until our boat came by the British ship
The Brits gave us food and told us to kip,
It was not long until father and I
Have found an American sponsor guy,

To take us to U.S. for our new lives.
Now on a plane to Denver, taking flight,
Heading toward where, at last, long peace thrives
Thinking our futures were now looking bright.

My eyes widened as I stared out the window,
Outside, white specks were slowly floating below!
“It’s rice! Rice is falling from the sky!”
My father chortled, hearing my cry.

He gently explained the “rice” is snow,
But, I knew the meaning was much much more
For in my heart, it was God’s bestow,
My wish, granted - a country of no war!

The author's comments:
I hope you enjoy this! The poem is supposed to reflect a journey of a Vietnamese refugee.

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on Oct. 20 2012 at 7:48 pm
thegoldenllama BRONZE, Cupertino, California
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Interesting poem!