Ballad Of the Moon | Teen Ink

Ballad Of the Moon

March 21, 2011
By lissalou1.2. PLATINUM, Williamsburg, Virginia
lissalou1.2. PLATINUM, Williamsburg, Virginia
31 articles 10 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever felt responsible." -Voltaire

Nights appointment with the moon,
The sun’s retiring colors starting to fade.
Only one girl standing as a witness,
Her mind on the ever darkening glade.

Elizabeth Spencer knew what it meant to fear,
No longer really caring meant looking the other way,
A risk she wouldn’t make tonight;
A thought that danced in her head knowing she’s the prey.

He would emerge from the shadows of the wood,
Walking towards his forbidden love standing there,
James Wolf would rather give up his immortal fight,
But she’d rather be like him; lost in the chilled air.

The moon their only light,
A guide amongst the stars
The sun their only fright,
Like living life behind bars,
Only one thing in common;
A hope and a want,
For the chance to be together,
A love they wish to flaunt.

A lullaby they’ll never have a chance to sing,
Too sweet for the world to ever hear,
Elizabeth and James would never be one,
Lost between, their hope and their fear.

Still they’d meet as the days’ allowed,
Unable to resist undying desire,
A fight they’d never win in the end,
They’d soon be divided by a burning fire.

The moon their only light,
A guide amongst the stars
The sun their only fright,
Like living life behind bars,
Only one thing in common;
A hope and a want,
For the chance to be together,
A love they wish to flaunt.

Elizabeth left at her timely hour,
She never noticed, shed been followed,
James came about as the moon shone bright,
But he was caught and her heart hollowed.

Never to be the same again, He’d be gone forever,
And forever would be the end of her,
He would be burned at the steak that night,
And tears that flowed, would begin to blur,

The moon their only light,
A guide amongst the stars
The sun their only fright,
Like living life behind bars,
Only one thing in common;
A hope and a want,
For the chance to be together,
A love they wish to flaunt.

Soon after James departed from his love,
Elizabeth found nights haunting and sad,
The nightmares of her vampire,
Her love and her life had gone bad.

She trudged through the hills,
As she had all those years,
She looked out at the glade,
drenched in her own tears.

Nights appointment with the moon,
The sun’s retiring colors starting to fade.
No one standing as witness,
Her last goodbye finally bade.

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