Who Am I?? | Teen Ink

Who Am I??

February 2, 2011
By Anonymous

I pass a boy while I'm walking by,
His wrist were bloody and he started to cry.
His eyes were dark from the hatred he felt,
He wore tight jeans and a studded belt.
Did his life had a point? Why did it feel like hell?,
He shouldn't worry bout falling since he already fell.
He had no one to love except for one,
She makes him smile and calls him hunn.
Yet he could only fake a smile for so long,
Remembering he had lost a special bond.
With his family so long ago,
Since he is treated not like a friend, but as the foe.
I asked who he was and for his name,
I stood in shock since it was the same.
He said, "We are 1 person not 2"
"You see you are me and I am You"
I stood there wondering if it was a lie,
But for so long i have asked..."Who Am I?"

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on Apr. 24 2012 at 7:38 pm
WithShatteredWings SILVER, Choteau, Montana
7 articles 2 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are everything I want cause you are everything I'm not-Taking back sunday

Everything you do in life is insignificant but it is very important that you do-Gandhi

Happiness is an inside job- papa

It's how I feel to. Thanks. :)