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April 6, 2009
By jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You thrust thy shy crescent moon,
right into thy scattered sky
whenever thy asked for sunlight
you answered
You carved a new earth,
an earth without bad people
and angry wry shaped faces
You set thy gleaming sun right above thy window,
this morning and last
you tugged and pulled until there it sat right outside my ordinary window
and I cherished that morning as if it were my last
You shot a star right across thy sky,
as tears of joy brimmed the corners of thy bright blue brilliant eyes
how did you do so
how do you do such wonderful things
You painted thy sad blue sky,
you gave it life
and happiness
with an explosion of bright colors
and pastels of paint
it was truly a wonderful painting,my love.
And you created something wonderful,
Thats a four letter word that means every other wonderful word
we share it
we share it like a child shares a toy
and our love shall paint thy sky
shoot thy star
carve thy new and better earth
set thy sun
and light up the world
with an even better mix
mix of colors and emotion
because you thrust thy moon
carved thy earth
set thy sun
shot thy star
painted thy dull bland sky
and you taught thee how to love and cherish__

The author's comments:
this poem was written for my wonderful bf eddie who is th love of my life and is just so amazing
ily hunny so so much!!!!!!!

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