Stand As One | Teen Ink

Stand As One

April 10, 2009
By Sandra Vela BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
Sandra Vela BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why should we feel interrogation from those who only

find flaws within us?From people that fear

indifference and can not acknowledge uniqueness. Can

we speak our mind when with every word that leaves

our tongue is monitored. Can we not live our lives

anymore or can we only feel safe bottled up inside

like a Ginny in the Bottle or like a housewife stuck

in the suburbs. We should be able to be unique and

say what we feel and do what we want. We should all

inspire each others to be different and live life as

it should be,with no high standards. We should not

seek approval from everyone but only be ourselves. Do

we do this because we are scared?Scared of society?We

should Stand as One everyday,all the time not just

when something tragic occurs. We all need to be

hopeful for a better future for not ourselves but for

our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Lets find

a way to bring America back to what many fought for

before us,freedom. Freedom to express ourselves,to

live life,to have peace,to Stand as One.

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