luxury | Teen Ink


May 18, 2018
By 21cj01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
21cj01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luxury isn’t something we all have.
But it doesn’t matter if you have luxury or not it just matters how you use it. There are a few types of luxury: money, family, and there are a lot more but i couldn’t think of anymore.
For most people when they think of luxury they think of money, cars, big and expensive houses. And those all seem pretty nice at the time.

The luxury of money sounds nice and I bet it is but in most cases it’s only good for those who have the money. The luxury of money can be even better if you use it responsibly or kindly.
It’s weird how when people say that they have money they show you what they are wearing and not the actual money. And that’s because they don’t actually have money their parents do and their parents most likely spoil them or maybe their parents probably didn’t
Give them attention when they were younger so they are trying to make up for it by getting them whatever they want. So now they think they have money and luxury but they don’t.

I hate when people tell me i’m spoiled and that I get whatever I want because i’m not spoiled and don’t get whatever I want. I have to wait a long time to get what I ask for and I have to work for it I don’t just get it automatically. I hate when people think that I can’t hear them when they talk about me saying that I’m spoiled and that i get everything i want and i doesn’t matter what the price is cause if I want it then I get it! Which isn’t true.

Sure I have nice clothes, I have nice and expensive shoes because I wanted them and I asked my parents for them but I ask my parents for a lot of things if not everything but I know that I’m definitely not the only one who does this or has ever done this so the people that call me spoiled and the kid that gets everything that he wants; are just as guilty as me.

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