Unaffected | Teen Ink


May 18, 2018
By Kir1721 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
Kir1721 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments




I left you broken, hollow and empty,
Still loving you
As I’d never dreamed of before.

Now we sit across from one another
As I fight my urges to reach for your hand,
Pull you closer,
And smother you the way
I’ve always wanted to.

I daydream of you,
Your lips,
And the way you used to smile at me.

I replay the memories of us
Before that dreadful day;
As I still have the lingering,
But ever so present
Bittersweet taste in my mouth.

I took your criticism and heeded your words;
Oh, your words.
Stinging, painfully, like needles
Within my chest.
And reminding me of that pain as if it were a song
On a 24/7 loop.

While I cried,
You thought me mental
As you stood and carried on,

The author's comments:

Unnfortunately, breakups aren't perfect and jolly. They're messy, and  complicated, and most are pretty painful. After I broke up with my girlfriend, we decided to remain friends. However, she seemed completely unaffected! 

Bewildered and confused, I wrote this poem in reflection of my feelings, and in hopes to remind someone else that they're not alone. 

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