Here's to the Idiots | Teen Ink

Here's to the Idiots

May 11, 2018
By trevorritz BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
trevorritz BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here’s to the idiots
The nitwits, the twits, the dimwitted, the simpletons
The imbeciles, the pinheads, the nincompoops and the muttonheads
For they do what we can’t
Idiots prowl the world, pursuing whatever they dream
However simple or mundane
And be who they want to be
Without fear of being called insane
They have no fear of contempt
No fear of rejection, ridicule, or regret
They are happy, however dimwitted or unintelligible they are
Would they be the geniuses after all

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