Juju-11/9/07 (Day we put him down) | Teen Ink

Juju-11/9/07 (Day we put him down)

April 4, 2009
By Anonymous

With chocolate brown eyes
and sweet cinnamen fur,
he was the prettiest dog
and that was for sure.

Owning pride higher than a flag,
he would stilll get into the trash,
and after stubbornly looking at us,
he'd be away in a flash.

Toilet paper would be scattered,
layering the bathroom floor.
Juju would have a feast,
yet still wanting more!

But now, grief throws sharp daggars
at my heart swollen in pain,
because I know now,
that things will never be the same.

But he's now a star in the sky,
a gleam in the night,
so he will always be in view,
and everything will be alright.

He is fast and forever asleep,
and won't wake up for awhile,
because he's on his way to heaven,
his tail wagging with a smile.

The beautiful Juju Bean,
with his sweet cinnamen fur,
the beautiful Juju Bean,
was the best dog for sure.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 22 2009 at 12:09 am
xXxFallingTearsxXx GOLD, Cottonwood, Idaho
12 articles 0 photos 147 comments
That kind of made me cry a little. woops, i guess i'm kind of emotional today :) plus i was listening to a sad song. That was a really good poem, and it reminded me of my dog, that we had to put down when i was little, he was 100 and something, and he was a really good dog. he would wait for me after school every day on the porch. I spent the whole day shooing flies away from him, because he was infested by maggots, and was slowly dying, so my uncle shot him in the head. I cried so hard that day. I really liked your poem. Great job!