Lost | Teen Ink


April 4, 2009
By izzybella BRONZE, Williamstown, Kentucky
izzybella BRONZE, Williamstown, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I don't know where you were.
Who you were with.
How it happened.
When you decided.
Why you did it.

All I know is that it's over.
You & me, everything, over.
You told me to move on,
but where I go, I do not know.

Every morning is a new beginning.
So I thought,
untill the day you left.
We were on my pourch,
'sometimes goodbyes really can mean forever. And sometimes goodbye is the only way,'
you had said before you walked away.

That day was the end of my life.
So why am I here?

I'm still stuck holding hands with the devil.

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