A Story of A Girl | Teen Ink

A Story of A Girl

April 4, 2009
By Jacqui BRONZE, Stamford, Connecticut
Jacqui BRONZE, Stamford, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The smashing of piano keys slowly comes into tune
With the beat of a forgotten heart and the lazy sounds of noon
A story unfolds about a girl.

She steps into the spot light
With a tear splashed face
And hums her sad melody
About a girl with no one to embrace.

She starts dancing silently
As if she had nothing left to lose
But soon that dance starts to spiral
And her orphaned story hits the news.
She steps out of the spotlight.

A family enters, torn by grief
They step into the spotlight,
And sing a story of silly peace.
They miss their daughter’s smile greatly
But its no where to be found
All there is now is a terrible empty sound.

A sign gets held up,
Signaling that four months has passed
The girl, now wiser, steps into the spot light
And the audience gasps
How deeply changed her features look
How fearfully they stare
The common whisper is: is that the same girl standing there?

What a wonderful make up artist they must have,
To make such a young girl look so old,
But how can this story be true?
The audience is not sold.
The play advertised: based on a true story
But this must be a joke of some sort. How can a young girl be so old?
The finial current closes shut
And a heartbeat beats, thump thump thump….

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