awakening | Teen Ink


April 3, 2009
By genevaS. GOLD, Oak Park, Illinois
genevaS. GOLD, Oak Park, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

my eyes scream out
i've finally unseal them.
and all i see is pain
society is burning.
i've awoken from my humanity.
my apathy is gone,
it died a long time ago.
i feel everything now and anything.
i can feel myself drowning in your presence.
i haven't smiled in ages
but once i find it again,
my smile will be pure and love stained.
my oblivion was oblivious all along.
i became a lifeless gray object
I only see other grays mushing with other object becoming one
til nothing changes anymore.
but i strive to be different,
i want to live a new unknown life...
and i know that i can make that happen.
my barbie doll heart is broken.
i don't want to be like you anymore,
so i wont be
and that's that.
sweet sorrow fills my shattered heart
but why hold onto it?
sorrow brings only pain.
misery brings only hate..
hate bring only wrath
take me home sweet pain.
i've found myself again
i'm alive, my heart beats once more.
for i had died along with society
i survived the fire that torched my soul and shatter it to pieces.
my past was all i belonged
but i don't live in it any more
i broke the chains that bound my breakthrough
i live through a nightmare so deep down inside
depression swelled my existence.
but i survived my sweet sorrow
I have open my eyes to a brighter day
I have been cleansed and awaken to reality

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 20 2009 at 5:15 pm
francheeze88 SILVER, Oak Park, Illinois
5 articles 6 photos 21 comments
GENEVA THIS IS BEAUTIFUL and depressing yet not depressing at all. you are so talented, this is better than anything i could ever write. all the metaphors and stuff are amazing. this one better be published (: