Ups and Downs | Teen Ink

Ups and Downs

April 30, 2018
By BrianW BRONZE, Jersey City, New Jersey
BrianW BRONZE, Jersey City, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m so far off balance
I’m looking down on earth
Like I know what life is about?
But I’m looking as life goes on
I’m going to share my progress when I’m done
I’m trying to hold the anger in a bunch as life goes on
It’s funny how people hold stuff as a grudge
I know I keep things in a hunch
But I’m going to my future like fudge Mmmmm!

The author's comments:

i wrote this poem to inspire people that have a lot on there mind or been through hard times throughout there life. I want to encourage those to keep doing what they love and try to be the hero of your story. 

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