When I Met You | Teen Ink

When I Met You

April 22, 2018
By Anonymous

When I met you I hated you, all the commitment, the work, everything
When I met you I would fall asleep as soon as I got home
When I met you, I would dread the next day of soreness, and more work
When I met you, I never would have guessed that you would’ve been a part of my life, something that I was committed to, something that I appreciated

When I met you, I was so shy
When I met you, I realized how fun you were
When I met you, I had the best time ever
When I met you, I laughed so much
When I met you, I had no idea what a huge impact you would have on my life

Best Friend
When I met you, I barely said two words
When I met you, I thought you were so short
When I met you, I knew you would become an important person in my life
When I met you, I immediately trusted you
When I met you, I realized you would always be short, and I realized that we would create amazing memories together

When I met you, I was young and scared
When I met you, I didn’t want to leave my family for 7 hours
When I met you, I was shy and quiet
When I met you, I didn’t know what you would become
When I met you, I didn’t know you would provide so much stress, but so many opportunities

When I met you, you were so quiet
When I met you, we instantly connected
When I met you, we shared everything, while sledding down the hill
When I met you, I never wanted you to leave
When I met you, I didn’t realize you would become one of my best friends, and a part of my family

The author's comments:

This was written for my English class. I chose to create a poem about how my opinions differ and change from "meeting" a person, hobby, or object as time goes on. 

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