The First Rain and You | Teen Ink

The First Rain and You

February 19, 2009
By Matthew Hill SILVER, Prior Lake, Minnesota
Matthew Hill SILVER, Prior Lake, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time slows as wet headlights
Reflect on the windows of the storefronts,
And we stand on the sidewalk
Trying to avoid the arresting splashes
That jump up at us from the sidewalk
As cars race by too quickly.

We laugh as we attempt to dodge
The floods of messy water,
And as the crystal raindrops strike our heads
We remind ourselves that though it is raining,
We don't need the heavy, black umbrella.

So we dance and prance as the deluge falls,
But we always return to each other
To take in the beauteous wet smiles
That tend to flood over our faces.

And I take you by my side and draw you closer
As the torrent keeps falling all around us,
And you begin to rest in the small indent in my chest.

My arm curves around you as you nuzzle in,
And I settle my glistening head over yours carefully.

And here we stand, soaking, as the rain inundates us.

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