New Growth | Teen Ink

New Growth

April 9, 2018
By CreateForFun BRONZE, Inwood, West Virginia
CreateForFun BRONZE, Inwood, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I laid, withering away.

Predatory birds were circling their prey.

One swooped down to have a taste.

Before it could, a lion came with extreme haste.

When He approached, He let out a mighty roar.

The birds were frightened like never before. 

They flew off in search for their next meal.

Thanks to the lion, I had a chance to heal.


The lion carried me for a long way. 

Once the destination was reached, the lion laid me in soil to decay.

After a while, a plant began to grow in my place. 

When fully grown, I had a beautiful face.

I was renewed due to the lion's saving grace.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by "Lion And The Lamb", which is by Bethel Music.

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