Nature | Teen Ink


April 8, 2018
By Maura5 BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
Maura5 BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nature is more than what one dreams
She is a feeling as she is a sight
She can be so much more than just one theme

She is more than the substance of what one deems
She can be the creator of one's fright
Sometimes nature is not the thing that appears in only our dreams

Sometimes the ocean acts as if it has a scheme
Or the winds swirl around as if they want to engage in a fight
Nature is undefinable and refuses to be put in a theme

Nature can be so loud it sounds like a scream
Crying out for help and a source of light
Desperate for the protection that is always in her dreams

She can be the very opposite of extreme
And create clouds that are the purest of white
This behavior destroys her unforgiving theme

But despite all of this nature still seems to gleam
Although nature is not always completely treated right
She still holds herself highly in our dreams
With the hope that maybe one day, we will protect her as a universal theme

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