Memories, Memories, Memories | Teen Ink

Memories, Memories, Memories

March 20, 2018
By Anonymous

Memories, memories, memories.
When I was just entering high school
My grandfather fell very ill.
He stepped back onto the oak tree porch,
and ended his suffering right there.

At first when I heard, I wept and cried.
I couldn’t believe his life had fallen short.
My grandfather owned a raspberry farm,
and grew it from soil, the previous owner said:
“You’re crazy! You’re stupid! It will never grow!”

However, there it was for us;
rows of raspberries-
with touches of rhubarb and squash.
Tall stalks of corn, and bundles of pumpkins,
my grandfather said: “I am crazy! And you’re stupid! I can make anything grow!”

Memories, memories, memories.
When I was two years into high school,
my grandmother remarried a man I knew very young.
He went to the same church, drawed her in,
and soothed her suffering with happiness, and love.

At first, I was ecstatic.
The memory of my grandfather never left.
She  needed someone to hold close.
She needed someone to take care of her,
and someone to relate to her.

I remember it first started with love, meeting the new family.
They were kind, and loving, and warm.
However, every family has their faults.
On this day, love was won.
Gay marriage was finally legalized.

Memories, memories, memories.
My whole world crumbled around me.
“It makes me sick!” They yelled.
“It’s absolutely disgusting-!” They screamed.
“This is the end!” They hollered.

Little did the new foreign family know…
That this was my future. My freedom was won.
The pain struck my whole body.
Knowing I could never reveal to them,
my real identity, my true self.

The author's comments:

A story about the memories of childhood and changes. 

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