Heartbreak Truth | Teen Ink

Heartbreak Truth

March 31, 2009
By AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"the whole world steps aside for a man who knows where he is going" ~Anonymous

far below the depths of darkness
i hear it lurking
i hear it waiting
wanting to pounce
one of the worse feelings you will ever have
of your heart being broken
slightest movement setting off its defenses
you try and use yours
but the heartbreak is stronger than anything
its not enough
you use your whole team to block it
you try to run
its faster; stronger; better
it catches your ankle
and pulls you back
your unable to fight
falling hard
nothing more to do than to wait now
lay there
wait for it to heal
unfortunately you won't
the scars are reminders
forever heartbroken
slowly subsiding and getting buried beneath daily rubble
but never completely going away
because with every huge gust of wind
something blows off the pile
trying to expose everything
sometimes it succeeds
sometimes it fails
but in the end you feel it
lurking; waiting....
for it to hit you, pounce....
once again

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