Triangle | Teen Ink


March 31, 2009
By Rebel212 BRONZE, Audubon, Minnesota
Rebel212 BRONZE, Audubon, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is love so tough?
How come one person isn’t enough?
Stupid love triangles, I hate them!
I think they are worse than getting the Flem
But I love this one boy so much
I get the tingles every time we touch
Then there is the other one
When I see him my heart beats a ton
He makes me laugh and fall in sinks
Him has a great mind and makes me think
They are almost the opposite of each other
Except for the fact that one hates his mother
I don’t understand this situation
Boys are such a complication!
Is it right to have feelings for two guys?
I don’t want tell either of them bye…
Which one do I choose?
What if in the end… I lose?
How can I get one of them out of my head
If one of them starts to hate me I would rather be dead
Did you know that people actually LIKE these triangles?
For them its like trying on different bangles
I love one with so much of my heart
The other I liked at the start
I think know
Which way to go
Him had his chance and he blew it
Maybe if he dumped me him could try to pursue it
My heart aches
Are their feelings fake?
My head hurts
He sometimes leaves me in the dirt
My body is confused
I don’t want them to feel used
The crazy thing is, they don’t even know what is going on!
I just want to go and lay, out on the fresh lawn

The author's comments:
This is actually a battle in my mind and heart that is going on right now, so i tried to write it out so i can figure it out...

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