Bobby | Teen Ink


March 2, 2018
By Gabewood BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
Gabewood BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As you get older so does he
And as age creeps up, the responsibilities lighten.
What seems to never leave is the jubilant energy of
Taking life day by day and enjoying what wonders it has.
Whether that being chewing on a bright yellow tennis ball,
Or just the cool breeze of a warm spring evening. 
He never ceases to amaze me.
He finds so much joy from chasing pesky squirrels invading his territory.
Or barking at the neighbor's dog Jake. 
He is like a jet zooming around the yard.
He runs, he jumps, and he falls.
His best friend is a cat which is weird enough.
While I'm at school they find themselves in the back yard alone together.
Even dogs can be content with life why can't we.

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