The Arrow of Betrayal | Teen Ink

The Arrow of Betrayal

March 30, 2009
By OctaviaPomergrate SILVER, Shrewsbury, Missouri
OctaviaPomergrate SILVER, Shrewsbury, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

An arrow’s flight,
Silently through the night,
A cry calls out,
But no one is about.

Darkness falls,
Wolves call,
A step rings out,
The hunt is on.

A king’s forest wakes,
The king’s make,
He walks silently about,
Suddenly he cries out.

The arrow hit,
Its final mark,
The heart of the true king of Denmark.

A perfect shot,
That’s what the prince thought,
He’s the next king of Denmark,
For is to marry the princess,
He is the prince of Bismark.

The princess ran,
She saw the shot,
She heard the cry,
Yes, she can,
Destroy her boyfriend.

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