Holes of the heart | Teen Ink

Holes of the heart

February 20, 2018
By mmmmmooooossssseeeeesssss BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
mmmmmooooossssseeeeesssss BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The holes in my heart can’t be filled with clay,
They wont be satisfied, with the laws i can’t obey,
They will haunt me for days, if i don’t fill them today,
The holes of the heart aren’t filled with clay.

The darkness of my soul never was that original,
The sins of the past, never were so forgivable.
When a glimpse of reality broke all my principles,
Their delusional explanation never felt that

Their words were cunning, their voice scared me,
Their claims so sharp, they finally teared me.
Looking at the past it all makes sense now,
The unbreakable wall doesn’t seem that dense now.

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