Ink It | Teen Ink

Ink It

February 14, 2018
By Anonymous

Ink It
Money-Ink It
Paper-Ink It
Pen-Ink In It
Skin-Ink It
Ugh! It seems like everyone just likes to use ink 24/7! Just give me a break, Why don’t you just use a pencil! Mechanical or Not!
Do you know how hard it is to give ink so much! School is a death zone for use pens.
It hurts our heads then you skribble little things! I mean what! Why are you torturing us!
Sometimes I wonder what does on in your humans minds.
Why must you take off our only source of clothing! Then you expose us! Then use us for our ink! I mean-WHAT!! Why do you like our ink, why don’t you just make your own! Just Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink INK! Speaking of Ink I’m using most of mine to just write this! Also we die when you use all of our Ink! We are not going to go extinct yet, but one day it will happen! I’m getting dizzy..
Well let’s end this-DON’T USE US SO MUCH!

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