Always There | Teen Ink

Always There

January 28, 2018
By Elizabeth_C. BRONZE, APO, Other
Elizabeth_C. BRONZE, APO, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If words can’t hurt
Then why do I care?
Why am I in the dirt
from just that one stare?

My every move
makes me pull out my hair.
I’m scared to be judged
how can I bare?

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,”
How is that fair?
Everything word people say
comes out of thin air.

Being new is hard enough
I’m all alone I swear.
The only thing that’s with me
is self doubt, it’s always there.

When people whisper
when people glare.
I get so stressed,
it’s a nightmare

I can’t believe myself,
I get so scared.
Why can’t I just breathe,
or go somewhere.

Where no one looks
and no one cares.
Where no one knows
what I can’t repair.

But even if
life gets unfair.
I still have self doubt,
it’s always there.

The author's comments:

I wanted to enter something that teens can relate too, because bullying and self doubt is an issue that needs to be adressed more often.

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