The Operating Room | Teen Ink

The Operating Room

January 25, 2018
By Brianna.J SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Brianna.J SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beep of the heart monitor as the
teenager’s heart causally comes to an end.
The constant drip of the IV as the
fluids in the bag start to run dry.

Then the ear-piercing alarm sounds to
let the doctors know that she is coding.
The screams of the family members
as they begin to lose their loved one.

The thumps of her body as they tremendously
fight to try and get her heart to start again.
Hearing the yells of the doctors to get out
of their way as they bolt down the corridor.

They make the first incision in an
attempt to save the precious soul.
Blood pours out of the body how
a waterfall crashes into a pond.

As the doctors walk out the family gets
the feeling that something is uneasy.
They move them to a table far away
and sit them down to talk for awhile.

The doctors and nurses quiet enough that
they could hear a pin dropping from the bed.
As the tears stream down their cheeks the
stares from others awaken them to reality.

It was just an ordinary day at the hospital for the
very last room on the right that left people in tears.

But all they can hear is the long agonizing

beep that means their daughter has left them.

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