Through the Pain | Teen Ink

Through the Pain

January 20, 2018
By GinaK BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
GinaK BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Constantly enduring, through the pain
but what if you broke through the pain?

Crying, aching, pleaing,
finding a way to cope through the pain.

Pain is superficial and still so much more.
Continuously there, aching through the pain.

Praying the one-dimensional aches will dull,
and not become internal pleads, through the pain.

Love, anger, hatred, joy, and grief
all endured through the pain.

Tough exteriors
become jelly like innards through the pain.

Though it may seem dull at first,
It grows and feeds through the pain.

And it remains
Through the pain.

Hoping that one day joy will take over
and your eyes will brighten, through the pain.

Or that life will get better
and you won't have to suffer through the pain.

But the truth lies
And some lies hold truth through the pain.

So you get up
and put on your mask through the pain.

Knowing that you will live,
Gina, through the pain.

The author's comments:

This is a ghazal I wrote that goes through the struggle of mental illness and the pain that people endure that isn't seen.

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