Throughout The Long Year | Teen Ink

Throughout The Long Year

March 25, 2009
By Riley Runburg SILVER, Park City, Utah
Riley Runburg SILVER, Park City, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Things change,
Winter turns to spring,



Change gives life,
Allows each organism to thrive.

New life is created in spring,
Each little off-spring learns,
It’s purpose in life.

The heat of the summer,
Everything finds a cool surrounding,
Hoping to live through the hardships,
The sun brings.

Leaves begin to fall,
Changing colors,
Shedding it’s past life,
Waiting for the cold winter.

The first snow-flakes down from above,
Beings hide in their home,
Trying to bear the temperature,
Patiently waiting for spring.

This is the life cycle,
But always repeating.

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