3 Blue Steps | Teen Ink

3 Blue Steps

March 25, 2009
By Daniel Ghadaksaz BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
Daniel Ghadaksaz BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where we sat as children here,
No ill intent, no stricken fear.
But yes the times they are a changing,
The date and hour they are arranging.
It doesn’t matter who or why,
We’ve lost all hope, nobody will try.
We can catch this one, but not all,
One goes down, another answers the call.
Morality and ethics will no longer exist,
But shall remain in the back of your head pounding like a cyst.
We can’t watch the Watchmen as they watch us,
You just watch reality shows and ignore all the fuss.
But what happened here today,
Will happen tomorrow again and again any other way.
How could this have happened to my dear friend?
Only in a time like this would his life suddenly end.
People stand in those lines like geese,
Losing their homes, putting their cars up for lease.
Poverty will drive them all mad,
How much longer must we suffer through the bad?
No longer do people answer their debts,
And so lies here my friend, dead, on these 3 blue steps.

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