Assorted Poems | Teen Ink

Assorted Poems

October 25, 2017
By Anonymous


I am from technology.
From buzzing, whirring, beeping parts
Moving on their own.

I am from wires,
Carrying current, supplying energy,
It is the connection that matters.

I am from Ezio, Corvo, Crash, and the first flame.
Each have their own stories.
Each have their own struggles.
Each time, I continued.

I am from canis lupus familiaris,
And their barking-never ceasing,
With their toys littering the floor.

I am from pollen and dander,
I am from the pain they cause,
I am from the indoor world
But, I am still from the trees
That once stood tall and proud,
That exist no longer.
I am from open fields,
Which have provided so much,
In both good and bad ways.

I am from the people I meet.
From those I don't like,
To those I tolerate,
Ending with those who I enjoy being with.
Those are the people worth being from.


You died.

I didn’t take it seriously.
I thought it would be easy.
It was simple, not easy.
You died.

The whole world was open to me,
But I did not know much about it.
So instead of learning,
Instead of exploring,
I continued to throw myself into misery.
You died.

There might as well have been a rut.
Deeper in some places,
But still ending at the same place.
You died.

I had a goal
Was it to make the world better?
Or was it, to plunge the world into darkness?
At first I didn’t know,
But it became more and more clear.
You died.

Progress was made, to a point,
And at that point I was stuck
For eternity.
I lost my will.
I lost my way.
I felt Hollow.
You died.

Was it worth it?


? Anything goes?

Business deal,
Gone wrong!

? Anything goes?

Guns out.
Bullets fly.
Balloons fall.

? Anything goes?

There it is!
Mad dash.

? Anything goes?

Guns still shooting
Unlikely duo
Behind a rolling table
Out a window
In a short-round car

? Anything goes?

Plane crash
Rafting down a mountain
Finds a town
With a rock
Let's go get it back.

? Anything goes?

Finds a sultan
“I dont have the rock”
He is evil.
And he has the rock.

? Anything goes?

They witness a sacrifice,
Find 3 rocks,
And try to escape.
But alliances shift.
Because he drank the bad juice

? Anything goes?

Burn him!
Back to normal.
So they escape with rocks,
But have to fight other Bad Guy.
On a bridge,
That breaks
Bad Guy gets eaten by crocodiles,
And good guy loses 2 rocks.
But they escape
And return it.

Sounds weird right?
But hey,
Anything goes

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