Cutting Edge | Teen Ink

Cutting Edge

March 27, 2009
By youngster BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
youngster BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Light hits the air and with the blink of an eye and I begin to stare. What is it there? Whom is it I want to reappear? What is left or whom I ask? Differences are the one to stick with it and last. So I take multiple drives to the past pulling the ultra fast. Your right there is nothing left on the walls but the staples but why does it have to be that way. Why must you hold back and never convey put those feelings on display and say “I feel this way.” People watch me or more like walk past me every day but what is it I have to say (a lot). You just don’t know. Watching nothing but my shadow and ability to not let go. Threat to the world still unknown but that just might be a clone of betray, disgust, and a shatter tear. I’m no longer hesitate but in fear and not letting nothing or no one near. I’m the on the edge of being invisible or disappear but I still find time to the final frontier.

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