Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 28, 2017
By lily.danielle BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
lily.danielle BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from cozy log cabins and wood stoves

Sleeping beside the warm fireplace in the winter
Running through the woods and sitting on dirt piles
My legs always scraped and bruised

I am from old DVDs and VCRs
Sitting on the couch all day as lazy as a sloth
Watching the same movies over and over
Dad yelling at me to go outside

I am from sitting on top of the record player
Listening to Abba and drinking milk out of a honey bear container
Hoping it would be one of the special nights where me and my dad would stay up late to watch Looney Tunes
Sneaking to get snacks after my bedtime

I am from maple syrup season
Early February tapping the trees
Running through the woods collecting bags of sap
Watching my dad boil it into delicious syrup

I am from going on vacations with my mom
Planning it as we go, traveling from place to place
Getting our nails done and making so many inside jokes
Never wanting to go back home

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