Paws on My Heart | Teen Ink

Paws on My Heart

September 25, 2017
By Axbokas BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Axbokas BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the day, and it was time.
Time to bring home the tiny puppy,

A crisp, brisk February morning greeted me
As I shot out the front door quickly.

Many years of hope,
Many months of waiting -
All diminished to just few minutes of a car ride
That seemed never ending.

The bright GPS screen announced  - one mile.
It couldn’t be;
I couldn’t be so close to
Getting Eevee.

My heart exploding,
My knees shaking,
I couldn’t resist.

Tender memories before my eyes
Flooded my essence with nervous delight:
Eevee’s soft fur, her scratchy wet licks;
Her teeny plush paws held my heart so tight
I couldn’t breathe.

Bokas 2
Half a mile...
The light grey brick house within our sight,
My thoughts traveled from joy to worry.

As I slipped into another gaze,
Fire rushed through my veins -
“What if... What if I lose her?
What if something happens?”

Love is a sad elation; it can sustain and it can impair;
It’s the brightest day and the darkest night.
She’s mine. My responsibility and yet, my prize.

Now stopped in the driveway, I take a deep, shaky breath;
I exit the car.
There is no way back,
It's time for a dramatic change,
It’s time to put my heart in the tiny paws of

The author's comments:

My title is “Paws on my Heart.” I chose this title because it enhances my poem’s meaning: accepting a responsibility for another life and giving your heart unconditionally is a transforming event. The theme of my poem is accepting love and responsibility for another being. This theme is important because everyone can relate to it. It is often also misunderstood.I believe that I offer an important perspective; in life, many people see giving and accepting love as only happiness and joy. I believe that everything in life is double natured; it can be both great and devastating. My own experience and lesson that I learned gave me a strong voice. People often  don’t slow this moment down to understand their emotions, so reading this poem will give them a chance to go back and reflect on them.

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