Crime | Teen Ink


March 25, 2009
By Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You start to fall for another guy
You aren’t letting yourself fall completely
And you say you don’t know why
Yeah right quit the facade
The feeling you are trying to hide
Are so transparent on your face
Come on be honest you have been hurt so much
You’re just not sure if it’s worth trying to trust
You don’t know if you can face rejection one more time
This new guy makes you drool
So in your weaker moments you feel
Compelled to break all the rules
But when you fortify your strength
And put up all those walls again
That is when you begin to conclude that you and him
Will never be anything more than just friends
And even though you’ve face rejection one too many times
To let him go without trying feels like a crime
Be honest with yourself
Finally admit it too the heart inside
You’ve always been the caterpillar
But he makes you feel like a butterfly
So go ahead spread your wings
If only for just one more time
Because to let him go without trying
Would be a crime

The author's comments:
The poem was written on a wim about a boy who I didn't really want to fall for but still I think I am. I was affraid to put myself out there and so everytime I would second guess myself I would repeat the line "to let him go with out trying would be a crime."

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